hey noticed on vid 27 jinja templating a possible typo in two places - instead of :
except Exception, e: it should be except Exception as e:
Under my profile page on pythonprogramming.net, I have some simple feature ideas for it that would be common to most user based sites. Like a link could be added that shows all posts made, something like change email, user name or password (reset via email feature), email notification system, even delete account, and these options could be made into a tutorial itself (more SQL queries yay).
Also noticed you didnt cover time module but hopefully I should be able to figure it out. Im going to add a column in SQL for account creation date, and will need time module for things like purchase date, last post, etc.
Other tut ideas would be like a forum (unfortunately I dont know how to build one, with user login system integration etc., and not a lot of existing options out there for python forums), a GUI cms system for site admin/deploying content (I know, in our dreams), and simple e commerce system (maybe with your paypal integration method I could make my own without too much trouble) Anyways just some ideas I know even with superpowers you cant do everything, but this series has been amazing man I have a really kickass website in dev that Im going to make full feature and attempt to launch as a web dev business so its pretty exciting, I will let you know how it turns out. You could even sell these advanced modules at a price because they would really be worth every penny for a web developer to have an all inclusive full service web package with so much potential. Cheers catch ya later.
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Thanks for pointing out the error. Its actually a python 2.7 tutorial, prob the last one i did, but i intended to use cross compatible syntax, and thats not!
As for the suggestions, i may cover forums and maybe e commerce. I dont know what id do for costs. Lots of requests for more django too.
Lots of ideas for future content, well see!
-Harrison 8 years ago
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heres the corrected code for vid 27, also noticed your indentation was off:
@app.route('/jinjaman/') def jinjaman(): try: data = [15, '15', 'Python is good','Python, Java, php, SQL, C++','<p><strong>Hey there!</strong></p>'] return render_template("jinja-templating.html", data=data) except Exception as e: return(str(e))
A tweak as well could be, instead of redirect to dashboard on login, a redirect to the last page viewed.
-kingfitz 8 years ago
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Another thing i forgot for a suggestion would be language internationalization. Probably pretty tricky.
-kingfitz 8 years ago
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